When you think of a massage, you likely imagine someone massaging your neck, shoulders, and back, using their highly trained hands, perhaps with lotions or oils, to ease tension and pain. However, you may not be familiar with Ashiatsu, a traditional and highly effective massage technique in which the massage therapist uses their feet to apply pressure and help you relax.
If you are looking to enjoy an Ashiatsu massage in Las Vegas, NV, come to Bliss Bodyworks today. Our experienced massage professionals will use this ancient art to restore your body, giving you increased health and energy.
Ashiatsu is the most effective, longest lasting massage on earth. The therapist will use a series of gliding strokes utilizing bars on the ceiling to control the pressure of the massage. As a result, you don't have to worry about having the full weight of the therapist on your back.
An Ashiatsu massage can provide more pressure and compression than a traditional massage, which will ultimately deliver some of the following benefits:
This is a relaxing deep-tissue massage without the pain normally associated with deep tissue. There is less post-massage soreness and a lower risk of bruising than you would expect from a normal deep-tissue massage. The experts at Bliss Bodyworks, would love to introduce you to this life altering modality - you will never look at deep-tissue massage the same again!
Bliss Bodyworks is a massage clinic that offers relaxing massages to people all across Las Vegas, NV. Our experienced staff has the skills and tools necessary deliver the work that your body needs. If you have any questions or want to speak with a representative, give us a call today at (702) 776-9155.